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How we have helped other businesses

Running a business can be challenging at times


At Keegan Bowman, we have decades of experience helping owners like you and businesses like yours overcome these challenges, and our mission is to help you succeed


When you partner with us, we’ll work with you to achieve your goals. We’ll help you anticipate and predict what’s happening next, take advantage of growth opportunities, and have financials working to help you push in the right direction


You’ll see important tasks being done, enjoy the progress and earn more; improve your business and personal life


We understand the pain points of growing a business;

we’re here to help you overcome them


Let’s work together to take your business to the next level


For how we've helped businesses thrive, please see below

Case study 1
Losses to profits

The company was working to a budget showing £0.3m loss in the current year, and following year budget produced by the in-house Accountant was for a £0.8m loss. 


We were tasked with production of a 5-year plan that showed the company becoming profitable


To understand the business and the budget we held meetings  with Managers and with the Accountant. We read and asked questions about the Accounts and did some analysis work on their data


We discussed options with all, and agreed on priorities


We put together a revised plan including detailed narrative/commentary, and sensitivities ('what ifs')


The plan (which included improved budget for year 1) was agreed and signed off within four months. It showed break-even in years 1 and 2 and profitability from year 3


The company took the agreed actions and became profitable from year 1, as we predicted

Case study 2
Clarity on performance

This company had income from a wide range of different activities and wasn't completely clear all costs were tracked to income correctly. There was a lack of clarity about variable and fixed costs and lack of certainty about which should be included


We were tasked with ascertaining profitability of activities and leaving them with a reporting model they could continue to use


We improved the monthly reporting to clearly show margins and introduced whole-life reporting of projects spanning multiple years. Those were continued by the in-house team


The company had been prioritising work that we found to be low margin; areas it was turning away from were higher margin than it had realised


This gave the company knowledge of the financial effect of focussing on certain areas, and led to a strategic re-think of priorities (which we advised and facilitated)

Implementation of
Accounts Systems

We have implemented a number of systems, working as Project Manager, sourcing the best fit system, and/or undertaking various roles within the implementation project 


We have good recent knowledge of Xero, Quickbooks, Microsoft Business Dynamics, Sage and others. We have also worked on ERP (all company) systems


We are mindful that for these projects to succeed the behavioural aspects need to be addressed as well as the technical. We work to ensure everyone is moving forward together and has the information they need


We can help at all stages, reporting on options and helping you find the best fit, selectively when needed, or across the whole project


Professional documents

for financing, sales bids, 
long term planning, etc

We have helped with important sales tenders, re-financing, business mergers, exits and other key proposals


We have many times conducted negotiations with key (potential) suppliers, customers and investors


We have prepared long term plans (typically 3 or 5 years) with supporting narrative and presented the plan to potential investors, banks, etc


We can help produce professional documentation, attend meetings etc, having first understood the issues, your aims, red flags, walk-away point etc. We can help you clarify these, and we help you stay nimble but not get carried away!


With our outside perspective we can often offer alternative solutions or means of getting where you want to be


For specialist matters we have an informal network of experts. If we don't know of anyone, someone we know usually does


We are your trusted ally, not just in your corner but doing everything in our power to get you the best result

Finance team review
& improvement

We provide coaching for your in-house Bookkeeper or Accountant


Whilst doing that we see if time is being used effectively and whether processes can be changed or new apps brought in to speed things up


We can also get to understand any other area you are interested in - whether Accounts can be produced more quickly, if they are reliable, if procedures are fit for purpose, and so on


We provide discrete feedback and improve your team and their work


Cash problems

We have helped businesses short of cash to solve their problems and go on to thrive. Typically our work has been to:


> implement procedures to slow or prevent       

    further cash drain


> determine a viable plan for the business


> advise on turnaround options


> manage business cash through difficult times


> negotiate time to pay agreements, recover debt


> secure ongoing support from key stakeholders


> find and fix underlying problems


> project manage the plan


> obtain best possible short and long-term

    financing from a wide range of sources


> help identify and implement actions that

    multiply to lift company performance


Please see our page devoted to cash and/or profit concern


Do not delay contacting us if you have any concern about payments, now or future

The above is just a small selection of our recent

professional achievements

To find out how we can help you,

book your free discovery call today

There are other areas in which we have useful experience, including:



GDPR/ data


Digital Marketing

Company re-location


Health & Safety

If you would like a conversation to compare experience we are happy to oblige, and if useful to you we can recommend experts in these fields

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