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A meeting table with a laptop in front of a beautiful parkland view

We are your part-time Finance Director, your outsourced Finance Department,

or anything in between


In short, we specialise in providing finance support and solutions from our deep business background


Unlike traditional accounting firms we make sure your business has the profit, cash and insight to achieve your goals throughout the year, not just at year-end.


We can advise, or we can roll up our sleeves and work with you to improve your business performance.

Our service delivery is flexible and can be switched on and off or modified to suit your evolving business needs


We can help if you are:

•    Not yet able to get value from a full-time FD/CFO 

•    Fast growth, ambitious startup or working towards exit or management buyout

•    In distress and needing help with profit or cash challenges

•    Needing oversight or an extra pair of hands for a specific challenge


It may be just as useful to list what we don’t do:
x    Statutory audits, but we can manage the process for you
x    Tax, beyond the basics we introduce specialised experts 
x    We don't write reports that tell you what you already know!


Our background is in hands-on financial leadership,

directly responsible for results, and that’s how we continue to work

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Keegan Bowman provides our Finance Director services through Rob Keegan as primary contact.


Rob is a Chartered Management Accountant who trained and has worked exclusively in business (that is the case for surprisingly few Accountants).


In Rob's words, here is why Keegan Bowman is different to most other Accountants: 

​From early in my career I was given a wide range of responsibilities. Whether the task was to improve margins, make budgeting or reporting useful, lead a project, improve cash, implement a system, transform an Accounts team and much more ... I've done it and learned from it 


My first mentor encouraged me to not just report the numbers ("it's your P&L, Rob!") and my passion became finding actionable insights and improving the financials. A few employers got into difficulty and I learned a lot about cash and profit improvement. I have helped management teams lead a variety of companies to profitability and strong cashflow 


I have led many multi-disciplinary projects, co-owned a business employing c100 people, and helped lead businesses through great times and challenging ones


Despite an illness lasting a few years and the loss of most of my hearing, my career path took me where I aspired to be - Finance Director for a variety of companies. I worked my way up through Management Accountant, Financial Controller etc and built up my skillset in business


Some Accountants with only an Accountancy background offer FD services to gain higher margin income. I started Keegan Bowman to provide the local business community access to decades of business experience to help local businesses


We are Accountants who will do all the basics for you, but we are at our best when we also provide some level of business finance support too. That could be planning, budgeting, analysis, training, reporting, introducing processes or systems, management, improvement ...  whatever works best for you that we are best placed to provide


I have lots of useful experience and a brilliant team -

we want to roll our sleeves up and work with you


I'd be delighted to be your fractional FD

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How does this benefit you ?

Keegan Bowman brings a fresh perspective to financial support.

We cater to small organizations

that want valuable input without hefty overheads


We specialise in providing solutions from our deep

business background

We're not just number crunchers, we're business changers


We know how to navigate challenges of many kinds and

how to rally key parties around a shared vision


We have great experience of business planning, cashflow,

system implementation, tenders, mergers etc.

Our financial storytelling makes figures relatable and actionable


At Keegan Bowman, we blend Finance Director (FD) insights with the work of an Accountant and the essential compliance services 


Whether you’re a medium sized business or a nimble startup, all of our packages include FD involvement, ensuring every business can survive, and grow profit and cash in an enduring manner

We would love to hear about your journey so far
and your next targets and timescales

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